Hopstem to Showcase hNPC01 Clinical Data at 2024 ASGCT Annual Meeting in Baltimore


Hopstem's abstract on "The Preclinical and First-in-Human Study of iPSC Derived Human Forebrain Neural Progenitor Cell Injection-hNPC01 in Treating Chronic Ischemic Stroke" was selected as one of the prestigious Late-Breaking Poster Presentations at the 27th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) which to be held in Baltimore from May 7 to May 11, 2024. Among thousands of abstracts, only 50 were chosen for this category.


In addition to this exciting news, Dr. Jing Fan, the founder of Hopstem, has been recommended by her peers to serve as a new member of the ASGCT Stem Cell Committee. Dr. Fan's appointment, with a term of three years, involves collaborating with other committee members in planning the annual forum and educational columns for the Stem Cell Committee. This role aims to foster advancements and promote the forefront of stem cell research.


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